Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Welcome to Lenient Chaos!


Me and Chaos were just chatting the other day, you know, the old usual stuff: so how you've been, what you doing, oh, you got a guitar, should we start a band? That kind of thing. Well, since we live pretty far off from eachother we figured, why not just do it over the net? This is our haven, where we'll put up lyrics and everything else that we might manage to create together. We got this name from the idea that there always comes something good out of chaotic periods of your life. Well, something like that, anyhows. I'll be posting as Lenience, and my better half Chaos as... Chaos!

See you soon!


Yeah, it's great what the net can provide for all of us! As Lenience said, using the net we'll do what we can do together and present it to you! Remember the name "Lenient Chaos" folks, because you'll be hearing a lot of it!

Wait for us! See you again soon!